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Lady Bird Society

The Lady Bird Society is a growing circle of individuals dedicated to stewarding the vision of Lady Bird Johnson. Society members sustain the Center’s vital work by providing a stable source of funding for the gardens and living collections, educational programs, and research opportunities.

Please make your selection from the options below.

Program Details

Society Member Benefits

In appreciation, Lady Bird Society members receive exceptional benefits, including invitations to special events and recognition in Wildflower Center publications.

  • Free admission for two adults + children and grandchildren under 18
  • Free admission for six additional guests on each visit
  • Early, members-only access to the gardens Saturdays and Sundays from 8 to 9 a.m.
  • 20% discount on educational programs for children and adults
  • Concierge service at biannual plant sales — place your order with us for presale pickup
  • 20% discount at biannual plant sales
  • 20% discount at the Gift Store
  • Reciprocal privileges at more than 300 of North America’s top gardens
  • A Family level membership to give as a gift
  • Recognition as members of the Lady Bird Society on our website and at special events
  • Free admission for two to special events
  • Advance notice and priority registration for after-hours, limited-capacity events
  • A personal contact at the Center for all inquiries and needs

Additional Benefits

Redbud Circle – $2,500 – $9,999 per year for three years

All benefits above plus:

  • A guided, weekday tour of the Center via golf cart for up to five people*

Cedar Elm Circle – $10,000 – $24,999 per year for three years

All benefits above plus:

  • A seasonal walk and private lunch at the Center with the Executive Director for up to five people*

Live Oak Circle – $25,000+ per year for three years

All benefits above plus:

  • One home garden or landscape consultation with a staff expert on your property (within Texas)*

*You may give your experience as a gift to family or friends.

The majority of your gift through the Lady Bird Society is tax deductible. If you wish to waive your benefits to make your gift fully tax deductible, you may indicate your preference to us.

The Wildflower Center always recommends you speak with your financial advisor or tax expert, especially when paying for membership with certain charitable giving methods. Some methods may not allow you to receive benefits.

How to Join

We offer three easy ways to join the Lady Bird Society:

1. Call or email:

Josie Hart
Development Specialist
[email protected]

2. Join online:

  • Click here – you’ll be directed to the UT Austin donation portal for the Lady Bird Society (100% of your donation stays with the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center).
  • Enter the amount of your first pledge installment in the Gift Amount field ($2,500 to $25,000+ depending on your level).
  • Choose “Annually” as your gift frequency.
  • Click on “Your Information” to proceed to the next page.
  • Enter your information, and type “Gift for 3 years” (or longer if you prefer) in Gift Comments field.
  • Click “Proceed to Payment” and follow the instructions.

3. Download and complete the pledge form, and send by mail with your first installment to:

Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center
4801 La Crosse Ave.
Austin, TX 78739