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Native Plants II

DATE: Saturday 4/26/25   TIME: 1:00pm - 3:00pm

Prepare to transform your garden into an efficient and beautiful native plant oasis with help from our Director of Horticulture, Andrea DeLong-Amaya. Identify and learn about a variety of plants native to Central Texas, the unique growing characteristics of each and how to choose the right ones for your garden.

This is a two-part series. Material for Native Plants II will be a continuation of what is learned in Native Plants I. Participants may register for one class or both, however, registering for both classes is encouraged.

Identify and learn about a variety of plants native to Central Texas, the unique growing characteristics of each and how to choose the right ones for your garden.

Plants I
Saturday, April 19, 1-4 pm

Plants II
Saturday, April 26, 1-4 pm 

Individual class: $45
Whole series (2 classes): $90

Classes in this series will take place in person at the Wildflower Center. Space is limited and registration is required.

For further questions about registering for our programs please call 512.232.0277 or email [email protected].

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EVENT: Native Plants II
Adult Class

